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Go Ride

Thanks for visiting Bourne Wheelers and Bourne Wheelers Go ride (also known as the Bullets) club information. As well as the Bourne Wheelers Go ride weekly training the Saturday Social ride is used to build confidence on the roads with an easy pace and a coffee/drinks and cake stop. The ride is meant to be for the juniors to get used to riding out in a group.
We cannot guarantee a dedicated youth leader on these rides and therefore need parents to join. If you are interested in joining this please let us know, we can add you to the WhatsApp group for more details. If the numbers of juniors are low we would like to keep your details for when we have enough for a decent group or even a separate youth ride. This could then be adjusted for varying abilities.


As part of the National Cycling Week, on Monday 10 June, Bourne Wheelers had the pleasure of welcoming our new Bourne Town Mayor, Cllr Helen Crawford and her Consort Nicola Hampton, to the town’s Recreation Ground to witness our weekly British Cycling ‘Go Ride’ event, which endeavours to encourage youngsters to the world of cycling, thereby increasing their competency in a fun and safe environment.
With an age range of 6 to 12 years old, the children enjoy riding around obstacles and taking part in fun competitions, the favourite being the limbo, which always favours the smallest going under an ever lowered plastic bar. Parents are encouraged to watch and support the young riders, and often bring own chairs to turn it into something of a social event.
Seeing the girls and boys arrive slightly nervous, not knowing what to expect but within a few weeks shine with confidence is very rewarding. Whether they go on as adults to win medals would be a bonus but whatever the outcome, they will learn coordination, and numerous other skills, along with social interaction with their peer group.
Every Monday from 6 to 7pm at Bourne Recreation Ground.
For more information:
Bourne Wheelers Go Ride on Facebook
HSBC UK Go-Ride is British Cycling's development programe for young people.
The programme provides a fun and safe way to introduce young riders to the world of cycle sport and provides a platform to improve bike handling skills.
At Bourne Wheelers, British Cycling qualified coaches deliver coaching activities in a traffic-free environment. Any type of bike can be used, so long as it is in good condition, and a cycling helmet must be worn.
The sessions teach the necessary skills to make riders more competent, safer cyclists. A competitive element is introduced gently and is not the main objective for the sessions, although it is an easy step from this to children’s races of which there are many in the area such as grass track and cyclo-cross.
The Go-Ride programme promotes good health and includes fun activities that are easy to learn. Skills include balance and coordination, braking and control, use of gears and cornering.
So come along to the first session later in the Spring, on a Monday
evening, 6-7pm at the Recreation Ground on Recreation Road in Bourne.
The sessions continue weekly until mid-September.
For more information
or contact the club coach - Phil Galpin

Top results for Bourne Wheelers riders 2020
Full report on the news and reports page
Alex Galpin
Photos: Kimroy

Dan Galpin